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至于本次换标的预算,小鹏汽车董事长 CEO何小鹏在发布会上调侃:“小米的标,花了两三百万把一个方角的变成圆角的,我们没花那么多钱,把四瓣的变成了两瓣的。”
小鹏NGP远征智能体验营——小鹏汽车NGP Beta版体验专场
As an automobile company with an international vision, Xpeng needs a new brand image to let any other country to see and recognize Xpeng. Therefore, we integrated VI replacement and with Xpeng G9 press conference for the purpose of brand renewal.
For the budget of the logo change, chairman and CEO of Xpeng Automobile, Mr. He Xiaopeng had made a joke at the press conference: “Xiaomi spent two to three million to turn a square corner logo into a rounded corner one. We did not spend as much and turned the four-petal logo into a two-petal one."
Is Xiaopeng NGP reliable? What is the recognition rate of Xpeng NGP? What is the driving experience of Xpeng NGP?
To get answers more clearly and intuitively for the users, we completed a “Flag” together with XPeng.
Xpeng NGP Expeditious Intelligent Experience Camp-Xpeng NGP Beta experience special session
We highlighted the sense of science and technology as the first perception, and that with the idea of public relations, we popularize new forces and technologies. We positioned ourselves as the interpreter for the brand and the users.
To give users a more comprehensive understanding of the NGP high-speed autonomous navigation driving function.
Guests had a more comprehensive understanding of NGP high-speed autonomous navigation driving function via workshops, in-depth test drives and master communications.
The total exposures of the event exceeded 277 million