在华15年 英菲尼迪重拾战略自信

在华15年 英菲尼迪重拾战略自信

6月18日,“东风日产2022 FAMILY DAY”活动上,英菲尼迪向全球宣布将继续深耕中国,夯实英菲尼迪品牌在中国豪华汽车市场的地位。


After 15 years in china
Infiniti has regained its strategic confidence

On June 18, at the "Dongfeng Nissan 2022 family day" event, Infiniti announced to the world that it would continue to root in China and consolidate the position of the Infiniti brand in the China's luxury car market.
It announced the launch of a new service brand—"Infiniti and its Friends".
Just as what its logosymbolizes:when all roads lead to the end, Infiniti will go further to the horizon and into the future.